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Following Jesus

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TEXT: Luke 9:57-61; Matt. 8:19-22
To follow Jesus means that you are to abandon the unprofitable ways you are treading presently, the people whom you must have been following before. What you must have been doing or following before and now discovered to be unprofitable and abandoned it for a right one.

To follow Jesus there are some steps one must take in-order to follow Jesus, He or She needs to leave his or her former road and make a U-turn to follow the master Jesus. To follow Jesus requires our obedience and our loyalty to Him which must be total (100%) and nothing more.

Jesus call all His twelve (12) disciples from their various occupation, which was divinely interrupted. He called peter at the Sea of Gen-ness-a-ret, where He was doing his fishing business (Luke 5:1-11).
John and James were also working with their father at the sea of Galilee when the Lord called them. Matthew was a tax collector, he was very busy collecting tax at the border of the town and Jesus called him to business of preaching and healing, his life was interrupted. Many were called and their lives were interrupted. Jesus is calling you now and you need to abandon something in-order to follow Jesus.

God being so careful in choosing, he never makes mistake in choosing the vessels He will use. God is always faithful to the end in the very life of an individual that he chooses to use and He is ready to go extra miles with that person as the case of Paul or Saul of Tarsus.

Jesus said ‘Come, Follow Me’ in all the Synoptic Gospels and also well written down in the Gospel according to John the divine (the beloved). When Jesus was calling out His disciples, they never knew who He was at the initial stage, but they later knew who He was and that in Him there is life. It is the life we get from following Jesus and accepting Him will give us life and grant us eternal life, which has been prepared for us as in john 14:2-3 and not activities like fasting, praying, paying of tithes, offerings, harvest thanksgiving and many more cannot take us to heaven but by obeying and trusting Jesus.

Jesus said ‘FOLLOW ME’ The Lord Jesus is still calling u, the last day invitation is still available for you and me as far as we are still very much alive as in Rev. 3:20; Matt. 11:28-30. What is your reaction to this divine call that needs urgent response. Let take this drastic steps in obeying Christ for the secure of our future hope in the kingdom of God which has been prepared for you and me. We pray that we will all make rapture. Are you willing to respond as the disciples did?


